There’s no doubt that Genshin Impact is a commercial success. And instead of just investing that money into more awesome staff benefits, miHoYo is looking to put some of that money into good use by investing in sustainable and cleaner energy.

Most recently, miHoYo jointly led a funding round together with NIO Capital investing 400 million yuan (US$63 million) into Energy Singularity. The funds raised will be directed towards “research and development of the world’s first small Tokamak experimental device based on high-temperature superconducting material, and advanced magnet systems that can be used for the next generation of high-performance fusion devices.”

A tokamak device is essentially a nuclear fusion plant design concept where plasma is limited with the help of magnetic fields in a donut shape or torus. As fusion reactions take place in a state of matter called plasma, which results in a massive release of heat and charged gas, a suitable reactor to contain all this energy has not been developed yet.
But that’s not all that miHoYo has invested in.
While we could all joke that miHoYo mostly appeals to folks who enjoy getting the best items for their waifus and husbandos, we cannot discount their efforts outside of the gaming space. Ultimately it could be beneficial for the company in the long run – imagine running servers on an infinite power source or keeping users artificially happy with brain implants at least the company is sticking to their motto of “Tech otakus save the world”.
Compared to players who spent S$20,000 on Genshin Impact and then asking for a refund, miHoYo could see themselves on the right side of history 100 years down the line.
Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!