
Hugh Jackman Returns As Wolverine With MCU Debut In ‘Deadpool 3’, Coming Sep 2024

With Disney’s D23 Expo having come and gone with no updates on the next Deadpool movie, fans eager to see the Merc with a Mouth would have been disappointed. However, it seems like the silence is all worth it, as star Ryan Reynolds has come out of nowhere and dropped a surprise teaser announcement for Deadpool 3, and more importantly, we will finally see the debut of Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

In usual Ryan Reynolds fashion, he reveals he has been trying to come up with something new and interesting for the third movie, and nothing seems to make sense. That is, save for one big idea, and as Hugh Jackman walks past in the background, Reynolds asked if he would play Wolverine one more time for Deadpool 3. Of course, he said, “Yeah, sure, Ryan.”

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Hugh Jackman Returns As Wolverine With MCU Debut In 'Deadpool 3', Coming Sep 2024

How’s that for Deadpool’s first official entry to the MCU, as well as Wolverine? With 2024 also happening to be the 50th year anniversary of Wolverine’s first appearance in The Incredible Hulk #181, it seems like the perfect setup.

Jackman first played the role of Wolverine in 2000’s X-Men, a film that launched him into superstardom. After 17 years and countless films and cameos, he finally retired from the role with 2017’s Logan, where he was killed off. Now, it seems like the MCU is doing as the comics do, and reviving Wolverine for one more adventure with Deadpool.


Shawn Levy will be directing Deadpool 3. Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who wrote the first two instalments, are writing the script. Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin worked on previous drafts.

Oh, and there’s more, Ryan Reynolds followed up shortly after with another video update, Part Hugh, where the duo tackles timeline questions, Logan canon, MCU FAQ and more:

Deadpool 3 is set for release in theatres in September 2024.