It’s the day many have been waiting for: the release of iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Hundreds of people started to form a line since Thursday morning, enduring the downpour that happened the evening before. By Friday morning, the line filled up almost all available space in front of Apple’s flagship store at Orchard Road.
The iPhone XS and XS Max was already available for pre-order since September 14, 2018, so why go through all the trouble of sitting on the hard pavement and getting drenched from the rain.
Simply put, it is an experience. Crowds and Apple staff alike cheered when the door was opened to let the first customer in. The staff started high-fiving customers as they walked in, and chatting with the folks in front of the line as if they were old buddies. Regardless of you feel about the whole phenomena, one has to admire the staff’s dedication to hype everyone up, and making everything flow smoothly.
Speaking to the first person to walk through the doors, Daniel, 23, is a student who was lucky enough to be the first in line. This is the first time he’s ever lined up for an iPhone. How did he manage to become the title of the first person in line? “It was a coincidence, really,” Daniel said with a grin. He arrived Thursday morning to find that no one had lined up in front of the glass door, and basically started the wait.
It’s funny how the first person in line didn’t even intend to be the first. Guess that’s how luck works sometimes.
With a maximum purchase of two phones per customer, we asked who the phones are for.
“For my auntie and my brother.” And what about himself? “Oh, I already pre-ordered one for me.”
And there you go, folks. The first person in line didn’t even get these phones for himself.
Here’s a peek at some of the sights in store that went down on launch day –
Dea wishes she could play the latest Tomb Raider or Uncharted, but she can’t, so instead she reads and watches other people play. On her down time, you can probably find her re-reading Captain Marvel. The Carol Danvers one.