
Beyblade Creators Hope To See Spinning Top Game As An Olympic Sport

Beyblade fans, get ready to let it rip on a whole new level! The creators of the iconic spinning top game, Beyblade, are pushing for greater global competitive play, envisioning it as more than just a game.

Designer Kenji Horikoshi shared in an interview with Metro that Takara Tomy, the company behind Beyblade, sees it as a “gear-assisted” sport akin to golf or skateboarding. While they’ve joked about Beyblade becoming an Olympic sport, their genuine hope is to see the game reach new heights.

“Our mission is to keep innovating,” Horikoshi said. “Even if it doesn’t become an Olympic sport, we want people globally to enjoy and compete.”

Beyblade, which started in 1999, involves two players launching spinning tops into an arena. The last top standing wins. Its simplicity makes it accessible to kids, while the customisability adds surprising depth. There’s already a competitive scene with national tournaments and an international event coming later this year.

Beyblade Olympics

In Singapore, the competitive Beyblade scene is thriving for adults and kids alike. Recently, a picture of a Beyblade tournament went viral on Reddit and started making its way around social media.

The Singapore Beyblade Society frequently hosts competitions and workshops for the young and the young at heart alike. The group has even started hosting tournaments at big conventions like TableCon Quest 2024 and Singapore Comic Con 2023.

There’s also an “official” Beyblade Youtube channel specially for the Singapore scene, where “up-to-date and exciting Beyblade content” can be found.