
Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair

It’s not one of the things we think about but be it work or play, comfort should take priority, especially when it comes to a full day at the desk. It’s easy to undermine the ergonomic benefits while powering through a seated session with an off-the-rack chair – so long as it works, after all, until stiff shoulders, a sore neck, and an aching back all strike in full force.

Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair

But the situation is hardly hopeless. As the market continues to grow, seating options spanning different categories have sprung up. Gaming chairs, once a niche, have carved out a place in the mainstream scene, but for the more traditional crowd, there are always office chairs to fall back on. 

The Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair certainly looks to be at home in the latter space. From the mesh aesthetic to the svelte curvature of the head-to-base support, it inherits several classic design elements that would be immediately familiar to veterans. It doesn’t stand out quite enough in appearance to attract attention, however, and instead places a heavier emphasis on overall performance and functionality, surpassing expectations for the most part.

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Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair (2)

Right out of the box, the chair is presented in its raw, unconstructed form. There are a total of five pieces to assemble, including the headset, which prove easy to piece together. An accompanying manual simplifies the process with clear, straightforward instructions, whereas a toolkit comprising a driver tool, bolts, and white gloves makes it convenient to jump straight into assembly. The entire affair took less than 20 minutes, and should be manageable even by a beginner’s standard. 

Once completed, the Hinomi X1 doesn’t exactly go easy on the eye. The minimalist language fits neatly into a professional setting, but the grey mesh aesthetic and protruding butterfly-shaped cradle clashes with the metallic shine. Meanwhile, the lighter-hued, plastic-wrapped armrests contribute further to the incohesive look, diluting a little of the premium quality that the chair has going for it. 

Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair (3)

Everything about it feels sturdy, though, from the headrest to the base. It packs substantial heft, and not all of the 33kg build is necessary – the gap between the backrest and the metal spine, for instance, could be more streamlined, especially since it traps dust and dirt fairly easily. As a whole, its design is exactly what one would expect an office chair to look like, no more and no less. 

Where it lacks in looks, the Hinomi X1 makes up for in performance. Staple elements, such as adjustable arm and headrests, as well as recline levers, are all bundled in, but the company has also accounted for the novelty factor. The butterfly back offers customisable 3D lumbar support, allowing users to tweak the tension and move one of the upper plates up or down. 

Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair (4)

While comfortable, the lumbar system may be a little too aggressive for some. It certainly helps that the malleable TPU material, which has the characteristics of both plastic and rubber, lends a gentler touch to lower back support and adapts to its contours accurately. However, there seems to be little to no difference in ergonomic benefits when compared to similarly-built office chairs, including the Ergomeister FAEZ8ERG. Depending on personal preference, this feature will likely be a hit or miss. 

The other standout innovation is its retractable footrest. Housed discreetly under the seat base, it can be pulled out for extra leg support, particularly while reclining. It’s sufficiently cushioned and robust, albeit a bit of a mixed bag – the footrest does work to some effect and brings a modicum of unwinding satisfaction, but often gets in the way of posture changing. Certain seating styles will benefit more from the bonus functionality, with cross-legged individuals on the losing end.

Fortunately for the latter, the chair’s 50cm-wide seat base makes it possible to tuck in one’s legs for extended periods of time. Striking the middle ground between bounce and give, it’s stable and well-balanced, capable of holding weights up to 150kg. The mesh material is airy and comfortable to sit on for hours, serving as a good match to the hot and sunny climate of Singapore. 

Geek Review: Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair (5)

A lever on the side can be used to adjust its depth, although users will have to put in quite a bit of effort to slide the seat into place. The Hinomi X1 is also easy to clean – so long as there aren’t crumbs or debris trapped in the spongy crevices – and supported on strong metal legs and smooth-rolling wheels. For all that the seat is snug, individuals wearing short-length wear may find their skin rubbing against the coarse hairs of the mesh-woven seat.

The comfort factor extends to other parts of the chair, too. The curved headrest rests nicely against the neck, with a slight swivel allowing some degree of movement to the side. It can be rotated to a 45-degree angle and raised by 4 cm, topping out at around 10cm for bracket height and rotation. 

Similarly, the backrest offers four levels of calibrating and a maximum recline of 135 degrees. The chair includes a locking and unlocking mechanism, so users can choose between a fastened, upright position for maintaining posture, or a loose setup that lets them lean back freely. Here, the change in height or angle doesn’t require much effort at all – simply tug on their corresponding levers, and it’s a smooth transition from one position to another. 

The 6D armrests, meanwhile, have their faults. Even at the lowest height (68 cm), they can be a little too high for shorter individuals, causing them to rest their wrists on the desk instead. Funnily enough, the Hinomi X1 faces the opposite problem of lacking height, with the standard size allowing movement from 43 to 50 cm, and 50 to 59cm for extra-high. 

But back to the topic at hand. On top of a 270-degree rotation, the armrests support depth, width, height, and vertical tilt (up to 30 degrees) and lock options that are nifty for different scenarios. Angling them inwards, for instance, facilitates reading, whereas an upward tilt comes in handy for using smartphones on a recline. These easily-adjustable rests are cushy without sinking in too much, but cannot be locked in place, which can be a bone of contention or distracting source. 

Alas, the chair’s feature-rich functionality introduces a learning curve. It will take users some time to be familiar with the overall design and placement, especially for those who’ve always worked with a simpler, less-frills alternative. Overcome this initial challenge (or chair-lenge?) and the Hinomi X1 is set to present a neat, polished blend of ergonomics and comfort, if a little too much. 

At S$799, it’d be difficult to convince the average consumer of its prowess. There’s also the issue of wasted potential – the use of some features depend heavily on seating styles, so not everyone would be able to enjoy the full benefits. Still, it’s worth a look for those who are dead serious about adjustability and versatility, of which there will be plenty. 



The Hinomi X1 Ergonomic Office Chair eschews shiny, good looks for impressive ergonomic competencies that users will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Unfortunately, excellence demands a premium, and it won’t be easy for them to fork it out without some convincing. 

  • Aesthetics - 7/10
  • Build Quality - 8.5/10
  • Performance - 8.5/10
  • Value - 8/10
  • Geek Satisfaction - 8.5/10