
Geek Review: LEGO Nexo Knights Lance’s Mecha Horse 70312

LEGO Nexo Knights Lance’s Mecha Horse 70312 (10)

March marks the launch of LEGO’s Nexo Knights theme in Singapore. Since the beginning, I was on the fence about whether this would be a series that I will invest in but after getting my hands on this preview set, I would say that this theme does have something for both collectors and builders alike.

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Build Experience

You know you’re in for an interesting time when the first piece you start with is a technic element. This series is not for the uninitiated as it combines both regular LEGO building techniques with some that you would find in the more advance technic sets. For a set this size, it did take me slightly longer than usual to finish. The box contained two unnumbered bags and two instruction booklets which was my first indication that this would not be a straightforward build.


I’m quite certain that playability was something that the designers were tasked with as all of the sets in this series have different modes. Lance’s Mecha Horse actually transforms to a jousting bike with just a bit of adjusting. The other sets also have this ‘transforming’ feature as well which extends the longevity of the play factor.


Now this is priced at $34.90SGD here in Singapore and with the Lego Certified Store discount (10% off), it comes to about $31.40SGD. It has a total of 237 parts which brings each element down to a $0.13 SGD per piece ratio. Not too bad for a set with 2.5 minifigures (I counted the Lance bot as half a minifig) and for the trans orange and dark blue parts available too.


LEGO Nexo Knights Lance’s Mecha Horse 70312 (4)

I have to hand it to the designers on this one. They really did a good job incorporating the dual modes of each set. I do prefer the biker mode for this set as the Mecha Horse looks a little lean but that is a small problem that a bit of extra bricks will easily fix.

This series is something that I would love to explore more as I did get a look at some of the other sets and they have very interesting transformable modes. The Fortrex set would be an absolute dream to get my hands on to review but that would have to be a bit later on. *fingers crossed*

This series does extend to the realm of online gaming as well with the Merlock 2.0 App that you can download on your mobile device. The shield can be scanned within the app to unlock specific powers and upgrades to help you on your missions. You can discover these shields in various mediums like books, television series and even on their website.

This review was adapted from the Brickfinder Facebook page.