Ubisoft is preparing for a trip down memory lane in the latest expansion for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. The Warlords of New York expansion will see agents head back into the Big Apple for a fight against a familiar foe on March 3.
The original rogue agent, Aaron Keener and his gang of miscreants have resurfaced, and preparing to release a deadly new virus as agents have been busy pacifying Washington D.C.

Not only will the expansion overhaul the game in terms of more meaningful loot, player choice, build variety, and an increase in level cap from 30 to 40, Dark Zones will be revitalised, while boss fights in Warlords of New York will be on a grander scale.
Speaking of fights, taking down the rogue agents in Warlords of New York will help open up new skills, such as the decoy, shock trap, and the returning sticky bomb launcher.
Massive Entertainment is also changing up the endgame content for The Division 2 with Seasons. These three-month-long mini-campaigns will lead up to a Seasonal Manhunt, adding unique stories and rewards in every season. There will also be new in-game activities like League, which is a series of challenges, and the return of Global Events.

As you complete more seasonal content, more rewards await, and there will also be a Season Pass which will give players even more incentive to play. A new raid, the Foundry, will come in Spring 2020.
The Division 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. Warlords of New York will launch on March 3 with the Stadia launch delayed to a further date.