Gamescom 2022 Eco-Tycoon Sim Among Ripples Shallow Waters Wants You To Save, Not Exploit, The World

Gamescom 2022: Eco-Tycoon Sim ‘Among Ripples: Shallow Waters’ Wants You To Save, Not Exploit, The World

Management and tycoon games are certainly a key part of the gaming landscape, but while most have something to do with making money or exploiting the world in some form, that is not the case for Eat Create Sleep and Curve GamesAmong Ripples: Shallow Waters. Here at Gamescom 2022, we joined the journey of this eco tycoon sim that wants players to be a green warrior of good instead.

Among Ripples: Shallow Waters gameplay

As the name suggests, the scope of the game is primarily on the shallow waters of lakes and rivers, where nature and mankind are not always on the best of terms. Taking inspiration from their base in Sweden, the team will bring players to all sorts of locations in need of help to balance its ecosystem, ranging from breathtaking northern fells to agricultural farmland.

Leading a group of scientists that will act as your advisors throughout Among Ripples: Shallow Waters, the important task of rehabilitating these locations requires the creation of a proper ecosystem that can find the right balance when it comes to nutrients, oxygen, and even toxins. This means placing prey and predator, plants, and reshaping the land to expand or minimise water bodies.

Among Ripples: Shallow Waters fish

Understanding the various needs of the creatures like daces and otters you’ll add to the lakes is key, but Among Ripples: Shallow Waters is not exactly demanding, with the game adapting to the skill level of players. If you are looking for a relaxing time while basking in nature, this will be a game for you once you get the hang of the basics.

Eventually, the option to research new technology to help with the endeavour will be open, giving players more options to approach future issues. However, at no point in time did our demo made it feel like there was a fail state; rather, just like its messaging, as long as you are maintaining that eco-friendliness, you are doing good.

Watching all of the predators and prey swimming about can be mesmerising, and the use of cameras to follow them around or see what they see will help players appreciate what they have done in transforming these areas. The art style that is reminiscent of water paintings is also a nice touch, helping the game stand out against its counterparts in the genre.

That said, Among Ripples: Shallow Waters remains early in development, with a planned release for 2023. While it may not necessarily be as comprehensive as other tycoon or management games, the aim of the game makes it noteworthy enough. Any form of education is always welcomed, and with the team potentially looking to include more biomes and locations around the world for future expansions and sequels, this is one green movement we will be glad to be part of.