
Boardwalk AdVENDture Offers Brand New Retail Experience With Vending Machines

For anyone who’s been on a holiday to Japan will know that vending machines are a BIG thing there. There’s a vending machine for nearly everything you can think of, from the pedestrian cold beverage, to hot soups, to even Buddhist charms.

Now, you won’t need to visit the land of the rising sun to experience these interesting vending machines as Sentosa Boardwalk is bringing the vending machines to you with the Boardwalk AdVENDture. We see what you did there.

Boardwalk AdVENDture is a curated “intelligent retailing journey” featuring novel vending machines that are set up along Sentosa Boardwalk. The 35 vending machine feature products from over 50 brands and accept both cash and cashless forms of payment. Wechat, Paynow and Paylah are also forms of payment accepted by the vending machines in Boardwalk AdVENDture.

Managed by Royal Vending, the Boardwalk AdVENDture will be divided into four main clusters, all spaced out throughout the length of the walkway.

The first cluster you will encounter once you leave Vivocity will be the ‘Fresh Point’ which sells snacks, refreshments and other essentials you might need, such as the vending machine by 99Nonya selling nostalgic childhood snacks, a vending machine by su:m37° selling skincare product and it even has a section for you to take photos at.

There is also the Art Faculty by Pathlight which is a vending machine selling crafts and souvenirs handmade by the students at Pathlight. All proceeds will go to Pathlight School.

Lim Zhong Han from Pathlight School showing off a fan he made to be sold in the Art Faculty by Pathlight vending machine.

Walk a little further and you will reach the ‘Gift Street’ which features interesting snacks, local crafts, as other tourist favourites. There is also a dedicated book vending machine which sells locally written books, including one written by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

Hop a few vending machines down and you will be able to purchase some bak kwa to eat at Fragrance Bak Kwa’s vending machine. Also, if you ever are in need of bird’s nest tonic on the go, the Gift Street has got you covered with Stessa Group’s ready-to-drink bird’s nest tonic.

Further down the line and you’d arrive at the ‘Fun Alley’ which features game machines and outdoor necessities such as sunscreen lotion by Banana Boat and snacks like Magnolia and Potong ice cream by F&N.

There is also a challenge happening at Boardwalk AdVENDture for the whole of March, simply snap photos of products that can be found in vending machines located in the three zones mentioned so far, and you will get a chance to redeem a gift at the Fun Alley.

The last zone you will pass by before entering Sentosa is the ‘Foodie Zone’ which comprises of vending machines selling food and drinks. Highlights of the Foodie Zone includes the vending machine by House of Seafood which dispenses piping hot and ready-to-eat crabs.

They offer three flavours – chilli crab, black pepper crab, and salted egg yolk crab. We got the chance to try the salted egg yolk crab from the vending machine and we must say if we did not already know that it came from a vending machine, we would not have been the wiser.

Another highlight of the zone is Bar Stop which is a semi-automated vending machine cum bar counter that offers Singapore cocktails and locally crafted beers. All you have to do is order your drink from a screen and actual bartenders behind the screen will whip up your order for you and give it to you once it is done.

According to Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Education Mr Chee Hong Tat, Boardwalk AdVENDture will be a way to help companies understand their consumers’ preferences, and is also a new sales channel that can enable companies to sell their products throughout the day, and night, without exhausting manpower.

With Sentosa Boardwalk, now you will no longer need to make the harried journey through the walkway, just hoping for it to be over and for you to reach Sentosa as quickly as possible. Now, there is a whole new retailing journey you can embark on at the Boardwalk AdVENDture.