
Hearthstone arrives on the iPad

I gave up Hearthstone a few months back. Not because it wasn’t fun but rather the game is full on addictive. Coming from an individual who loves board games and grew up playing Magic: The Gathering, Hearthstone is pretty much everything that you could possible look for in a game. Simple is the basic premise of the title, complex like Netrunner it is not.

Just a few days back, Hearthstone was announced for the iPad to the collective groan of Android users everything. Pop by onto the official Hearthstone Facebook page to take a look at the griping. Now, all that’s needed to preventing you from getting your fix is a stable Internet connection. Sounds very much like World of Warcraft back in 2006 where an earthquake knocked out the Internet pipe that to the servers in the US.

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All things considered, I’m amazed at how fast Hearthstone has moved for a Blizzard title. It does really help when you are building onto an existing IP as opposed to starting from scratch. It seems as though that the approach to the title would be to perhaps even mirror major content patches from World of Warcraft as well.

If you are looking to get into Hearthstone, do check out Twitch streaming channels such as TrumpSC to get a real good idea what the game is really about past the early stages.

This is by no means a proper review of Hearthstone (I’m still not entirely convinced of its model) but it is a great way to get into a card battle game for cheap.

Hearthstone is now available for iPad and hopefully on the Android soon.

When it comes to trailers, Blizzard is often on top of things, this effort for Hearthstone is rather cringe.