
These Video Game Tunes Sure Sound A Bit Too Familiar…

Video game score composers like Nobuo Uematsu and Jack Wall aren’t shy when it comes to revealing their inspirations. Elton John, The Who, The Beatles, and all them Classical and Baroque musicians like Mozart and Bach: your revered musical talent in games have to start somewhere before creating their own top tier tunes.

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But some tracks in RPGs and action titles sound a mite dubious, to the point where you would go “hey, haven’t I heard this somewhere on radio before?” Well, that’s what this new SoundScape video is all about: bringing up classic game tunes from a revered franchise and putting it side-by-side to a pop song that sounds eerily familiar.

Which video gaming musical miscreant tread the fine line between inspiration and cut-copy-pasting? Find out on this vid. Happy listening!